Third Graders Use Orchard’s High Ropes Course to Reach Goals and Build Confidence

Happy Veterans Day! Did you know Orchard’s outdoor education teacher Jason Peterson was on active duty in the Marine Corps for six years? He served from 2001 to 2007 and eventually worked his way up to staff sergeant E-6. Thank you for your service, Mr. Peterson! 

The Orchard School

Speaking of Mr. Peterson, last month he challenged third graders on Orchard's high ropes element "The Postman's Walk" where students had to climb up a ladder to a height of 10 ft, traverse across a 20 ft long cable and come back. The challenge course is just one part of Orchard's Outdoor Education program designed to take students out of their comfort zone and into their growth zone in order to develop confidence, practice setting, and meeting goals, and have some fun.

Keep scrolling after the video to see some photos!

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