Middle School Musicians Perform Outdoor Concert at The Orchard School

[Keep scrolling after the write-up for more photos]

Orchard's sixth-grade students got to have their first band and orchestra performance today. The students began playing instruments in 5th grade, but because school went remote last spring, they never got a chance to perform the annual "First Concert."  

Today, these young musicians were able to show off their new skills to an audience of elementary and multiage preschool students as well as their teachers. Yesterday, the seventh-grade band and orchestra students had a similar performance at the cabin.

The musicians and their teachers deserve a lot of credit for working through the challenges of this year. All practices have taken place outside, six feet apart, in dedicated outdoor learning spaces. It's been hot, cold, and all things in between, yet our students always brought their 'A' game to class. Also, shout out to middle school orchestra teacher Suellen Sharp and middle school band teacher Darren Lauria for hauling instruments across campus for their students every single day!  

All of the groups did a great job. Music is alive at Orchard!

ICYMI: Click here to watch Orchard's latest video. You'll see some of these students practicing in their spaces.

Audience members at the cabin and Green were six feet apart. All photos and videos were taken with a professional zoom lens while wearing a mask. Some of the photos were zoomed in during editing. Certain angles with a DSLR camera and prime lens can warp depth of field, making it looks like people are closer than they really are. If teachers need to get closer than 6ft to a student, they always have a mask on and they're highly aware of that timeframe, which is always minimal. 

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